Home Management is a Property Management company created in 1997.
Home Management benefits from the efficient rental service of its headquarter, De Circourt Associates- Paris Rental, specialized in renting high-quality furnished apartments.
The vocation of Home Management is to replace the owners of furnished apartments in all stages of property management, by removing all the hassle usually affiliated with the management and the rental of their apartments.
Home Management takes charge of:
Home Management ensures the property preservation of the owners’ furnished apartment in Paris during the duration of long-term rental, and between rentals.
In recent years, many new Rental Management Companies have appeared on the Parisan market encouraging private landlords to use their services by offering very low rental management rates.
Beware: the lower the price, the less service involved! Since getting service requires the action of one or several people to do work and help -and knowing the additional cost of social charges on human labor- cheap fees appear much too enticing to be true.
For example, for each management file at least one administrative person and one person in the field must be present to recognize the problem and supervise the actions undertaken. Similarly, another person oversees the whole project and assumes the ultimate responsability. Finally, a accountant administers the books for eachmanaged apartment. Moreover, Rental Management is a time consuming activity.
For all these reasons, the owners who managed their apartment themselves are aware of the time-consuming nature of the management of a furnished rental, as well as the many malfunctions that can occur. Because taking care of the management of their Paris furnished apartment can take all their free time, many landlords have chosen to delegate this assignment to a rental manager!
Advice to landlords wishing to entrust their furnished apartment to a professional Property Management company :
Whatever you do, choose your property management company not just on the account of the fee, but on the impression that you get when on the phone with the company or, even better, when you go to their office.
By phone: Is the person listening to you, asking you precise questions showing interest for what you want? Do you get an appointment to meet at the apartment? When asking for the list of services and fees, do you get it by mail right away, and if not are those services clearly explained on the website?
At the Property Management office: Is it well-ordered and clean around you? Do you notice a studious atmosphere or do the files tumble over the desks among the dirty coffee mugs?
Since the apartment’s furnishings and equipment are an essential criteria for a successful rental, does the Property Management team advise you on the equipment or furniture missing in your furnished apartment Indeed, the furniture must be comfortable and functional, whether it is for Corporate expatriates or tenants on sabbatical.
To attain this goal, the Home Management’s team accompanies you throughout the steps of putting your Parisian Furnished Apartment in their care, regardless of your choice of fee offers: Gold management or Silver Property Management. A detailed Home Management pricing is available on www.homemanagement.fr
In order to answer the most frequently asked questions landlords inquire about regarding their furnished apartment in Paris, the Home Management’s FAQ provides advice and answers. In addition, a Blog section shares the various anecdotes of property management and the expertise of Home Management, since its creation in 1997.
Owners who have taken out a rental management offer with Home management have shared their experience; these testimonials are guarantors of the quality of service offered by our managers in the management of real estate assets throughout the duration of the lease. In addition, our privileged partner Paris Rental is available to rent your furnished apartment to a corporate expat clientele.
In the meantime, if you wish to contact us or send us a question, a contact form is available for our exchange. In addition, before entrusting your property to Home Management, please fill the form of characteristics necessary for your future manager, via this direct link.
Enjoy your visit on www.homemanagement.fr !
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